How are CFR’s Dispatched?

On receiving a 999/112 call, Ambulance Control will dispatch an emergency ambulance to the incident. Depending on your emergency CFR’s will get alerted and dispatched.

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CFR Alerts

On receiving a 999/112 call, Ambulance Control will dispatch an emergency ambulance to the incident.

If your emergency is one of the following we will automatically get alerted and if a Responder is available we will be dispatched:

Cardiac Arrest

Heart Attack



In most cases the Community First Responders will be on the scene within 3-9 minutes. This early attendance could literally mean the difference between life and death for the casualty, especially when the casualty has suffered a Cardiac Arrest and requires immediate potential life saving interventions.

Community First Responders operate under the Pre Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) Cardiac First Responder Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) and the National Ambulance Service direction.

Community First Responders attend calls in their own vehicles.

Community First Responders are trained in Adult, Paediatrics and Infant CPR & Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (FBAO), Chest Pain Management and Aspirin administration, the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), Stroke recognition (using F.A.S.T.), and are dispatched to assist patients with the above symptoms.


Community First Responders do not replace the statutory bodies.

They are a VOLUNTARY addition and may not always be on call; this will depend on numbers trained and available in your community.